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MB-Secure mobile App

4.8 ( 9728 ratings )
Utvecklare: Dominik Wei-Fieg

This App allows the remote operation and control as well as arming/disarming of all of your systems from a single application. The provided functions are:
Selection of panel (no of panels is unlimited)
Automatic connection to a specific panel can be selected
Overview of all partitions permitted for this setting
Paritition specific overview for omitting, blocking etc.
Not-ready-to-arm reasons provided by separate tab
Control of macros
Control of doors with temporary release, stady release etc.
Event log with time period filtering
Secure and situation specific user interface wirt context menues, which occur after extended touching of an element
Encrypted connection
Configurable password access, biometric access selectectable
Data export and import of the panel configurations for simple and easy device change/upgrade

Definition of up to four access right s groups per MB- Secure panel, while the settings cna be configured individually to the user´s need.
For the required licensing and panel configuration please contact your system integrator.

MB-Secure later V09.xx and active licens option 059845 (MB-Secure mobile
Optionally conneciton server for access to panels behind fire walls.
This requires the license option 059840 (MB-Secure option connection server).